Bretherland Wiki

This is temporarily a English to Brethish Dictionary.


A symb A (pronounce: ah)
a art a; on (used before words beginning with vowels)
aardvark n ardwark
aback adv abak
abacus n abakus; pl abakuses
abandon v forlete
abandoned adj forleten
abate v abate
abatement n abatement
abattis n abatys
abattoir n abattoyr
abbreviate v abbrewyate
abbreviation n abbrewyateʃyun
abdicate v abdykate
abdication n abdykateʃyun
abdicator n abdykater
abed adv abejde
abide v abyje
abider n abyjer
abiding adv abyjyng
ability n abylyte; pl abylytes
ablaze adv ablaese
able adj able
-able suff -able
ably adv ablye
aboard adv abord
abolish v abolyʃhe
abolishment n abolyʃhement
abolition n abolyʃheʃyun
abort v aborte
abortion n aborteʃyun
about prep abute
above prep abowe
abroad adv abroj
abrupt adj abrupt
abruptly adv abruptlye
abruptness n abruptnes
abscess n abscess
absence n absence
absent adj absent
absolute adj absolut
absolutely adv absolutlye
absorb v absorbe
absorbable v absorbable
absorption n absorbeʃyun
abstain v abstene
abstention n absteneʃyun
abuse v abuse
abuser n abuser
abyss n abyssus
academic adj akajemyk; n akajemyk
academical adj akajemykal
academically adv akajemykallye
academy n akajemy; pl akajemys
accent n aksent; v aksente
accept v aksepte
acceptable adj akseptable
access n akses; v aksese
accessible adj aksesyble
acclaim v aklayme
accompany v akompanye
accomplish v akomplyʃhe
accomplishment n akomplyʃhement
accord n akord; v akorde
according adj akordyng
accordion n akordyon
account n akunt; v akunte
accountancy n akuntancye
accountant n akuntant
accounting n akuntyng
accusation n akuseʃyun
accusative adj akustyfe; n akustyfe
accuse n akuse; v akuse
achieve v aʃhyewe
achievement n aʃhyewement
acid adj acyj; n acyj
acne n akne
acorn n akerne
acrobat n akrobat
acrobatic adj akrobatyk
acrobatics n akrobatyks
across prep akros
act n akt; v akte
action n akteʃyun
activate v aktyfate
active adj aktyf
activism n aktyfysm
activist n aktyfyst
activity n aktyfyte
actor n aktor
actual adj aktual
actually adv aktuallye
acumen n akumen
acuminous adj akumenus
adapt v ajapte
adaption n ajapteʃyun
add v ajde
addition n ajdeʃyun
additional adj ajdeʃyunal
address n ajres; v ajrese
adept adj ajept
adjective n ajjektyfe
adjust v ajjuste
adjustment n ajjustement
administrate v ajmynystrate
administration n ajmynystrateʃyun
administrative adj ajmynystratyfe
administrator n ajmynystrater
admirable adj ajmyrable
admiral adj ajmyral; n ajmyral
admiration n ajmyreʃyun
admire n ajmyre
admit v ajmytte
admonish v ajmoneste
adobe n ajobe
adopt v ajopte
adopted adj ajopten
adoption n ajopteʃyun
adorn v aurne
adorned adj aurnen
adult adj ajult; n ajult
adulterer n ajulterer
adultery n ajultery
adulthood n ajulthoje
advance v ajwance; n ajwance
advanced adj ajwancen
advantage n ajwancage
advantageous adj ajwancageus
adventure n awenture; v awenture
adventurer n awenturer
adventurous adj awenturus
adverb n ajwerb
adversary n ajwersary; pl ajwersarys
advertise v ajwertyse
advertisement n ajwertysement; ajwerte
advertising n ajwertysyng
advice n ajwyce
advise v awyse
adviser n awyser
advisor n ajwycer
advisory adj ajwycery; n ajwycery; pl ajwycerys
advocate n ajwokate; v ajwokate
aerial adj aeryal; n aeryal
aerobatics n aerobatyks
aerobic n aerobyk
aerodynamics n aerojynamyks
aeroplane n aeroplane; pl aeroplanes
aesthetic adj aesthetyk; n aesthetyk
aesthetics n aesthetyks
afar adv afer
affair n afeyre; pl afeyres
affairs n afeyrs
affect v afekte; n afekte
affection n afekteʃyun
affectionate adj afekteʃyunate
affiliate v afylyate; n afylyate
affiliation n afylyateʃyun
affirm v aferme
affirmation n afermeʃyun
affirmative adj afermetyfe
after adv after; prep after; conj after; adj after

agree v agre
aim v ayme; n ayme
all adv al
along prep anlang; adv anlang
another adv another
and conj an; and (used when the preposition an is used before or after)
antenna n ????; aeryal
as conj as; prep as
assemble v assemble
authority n authoryte


B symb B (pronounce: buh)
back n bak; v bake; adj bak; adv bak
be v bene
belief n belyf
believe v belewe
believer n belewer
beseech v beseche; n beseche
bounty n bunty
Brethish n Brethyʃ
bring v brynge
by prep by


C symb C (pronounce: suh)
chapter n chapyter; v chapytere
civic adj cywyk
classic adj klasyk; n klasyk
classical adj klasykal
co-exist v ko-exyste
co-existence n ko-exystence
connect v konnekte
consent v konsentyre; n konsentyre
conservatism n kumserwetysm
conservative adj kumserwetywe; n kumserwetywe; kumserwetywer (a person); pl kumserwetyweres
consider v konsyjere
constant adj konstans; n konstans
constancy n konstanscye
constantly adj konstanslye
culture n kulture; v kulture


D symb D (pronounce: duh)
do v done
decree n dekre; v dekre
dedicate v dejykate; adj dejykaten
defray v defraye
democratic adj demokratyk
desire v desyre; n desyre
detail n detayl; v detayle
difference n dyference
different adj dyferent
duty n duete; pl duetes


E symb E (pronounce: uh)
economic adj ekonomyk
economics n ekonomyks
economy n ekonomy; pl ekonomyes
enact v enakte
excellent n excellens
expense n expens


F symb F (pronounce: ef)
follow v folge
for prep for
for- pref fore-
forward adj forevard; adv forevard; v forevarde
free adj fre; adv fre; v fre; n fre


give v gyfe
good adj goj; adv goje; n goj
gracious adj graʃyus
grant v grante; n grante
green adj grene; n grene; v grene


have v hawe
help v helpe; n helpe
here adv her; n her
hereinafter adv herynafter
his pron hys
house n hus; v huse
humble adj humble; v humble


ideal n yjeal; adj yjeal
improve v empruwe
in prep yn; adv yn; n yn; v yne
is v yse
it pron yt
it's v yt'se


job n jobe; v jobe


keep v kepe; n kepe; kype (The main tower of a castle or fortress, located within the castle walls)
king n kyng; v kynge


lead v leje; n leje
leader n lejere
let v laete
liberal adj lyberal; n lyberal; lyberalor (a person)
liberalism n lyberalysm
libertarian n lyberteryan; lyberter (a person); adj lyberteryan
libertarianism n lyberteryanysm
liberty n lyberte; pl lybertes
loyal adj loyal


make v make; n make
majesty n mageste
may v magefo
Member n lyth
mention n menʃyun; v menʃyune
most det most; adv most; n most


nation n theje; pl thejes
national adj thejeys; n thejeys
nationally adv thejellye
nationalism n thejeysysm
nationalist n thejeysyst; thejeysystor (a person); adj thejeysyst; pl thejeysystores
nationality n thejeyste; pl thejeystes
nationalise v thejeysyse
nationalisation n thejeysyseʃyun
nationhood n thejhoje
necessary adj necessarye; n necessarye; pl necessaryes
no det no; adv no; n no


of prep of; v ofe
official adj offyʃyal


parliament n parlyamentum
party n party
Peer n peyr
plan n plann; v planne; pl plannes
politic adj polytes
politician n polytesʃyun
present adj praesens; n praesens
preserve v praeserwe; n praeserwe
provide v prowyje
public adj publyk; n publyk
purpose n purpos; v purpose


queen n kven; v kvene


raise v reyse; n reyse
religion n relyjyon; pl relyjyones
represent v represente
resolve v resolwe
revenue n rewenue


same adj same; adv same
several det seweral
so conj svo; adv svo; adj svo
social n soʃyal; adj soʃyal
socialist n soʃyalyst; soʃyalystor (a person); adj soʃyalyst pl soʃyalystes
socially adv soʃyallye
sovereign n sowerayn
station n estaʃyun; v estaʃyune
subject n subgekt; adj subgekt; adv subgekt; v subgekte
supply v supllye; n suplly


thank v thankyane
that conj thet; pron thaet; adv thaet; n thaet;
the art the; adv the
their pron theyr
there adv ther; pron ther
therefore adv therfor
this det thys; adv thys
time n tyme; v tyme
to prep to; adv to
together adv togejere
toward adj toveard; prep toveard
tradition n trajyʃyun


up prep upp; adv upp; adj upp; v uppe; n upp
up- pref upp-; up- (when in front of a word beginning with p)
union n unyon
unto conj undto; prep undto


view n wyev; v wyeve
voluntary adj woluntarye


we pron ve
welcome adj vylkume; n vylkume; v vylkume
will v vylle
will n vyl; v vyle
with prep myj
write v vryte


year n yer
yes n yes; v yese
you pron yu
your det yuver
